The Sinful Virtue

The Sinful Virtue


In the past, there was a village of laborers; all of the men would leave the village in the morning for work, while the women remained. The robbers came into that village one day when there was no man there. The bandits began plundering, but found nothing worthwhile to take with them. When the robbers couldn't locate anything to plunder, the leader urged them to rob the women's honor. People said that thieves broke into every house and starting robbing the women inside. When a robber entered a house, the brave woman inside chopped off the thief's head with a spear.

All the women emerged from their houses crying and started sharing their own stories when the robbers returned after robbing them of their honors. The brave woman also left the house holding the thief's head. The sight stunned every woman, who then asked How was it happened?. According to this brave woman, "when the thief broke into my house, I decided that he would not succeed in my life, he can steal my honor only after my death". Thinking about it, I attacked and killed him. All the women praised her bravery.

After a while, a wise woman told the women that their husbands would leave them if they told them what had happened. The women all decided not to tell their husbands anything about it. Women all made promises. Then one woman said that although we won't say anything, the woman who took off the robber's head would tell her husband with pride, and then this secret will come to light. Every one of the women decided after some debate that the courageous woman ought to be put to death. Thus, every woman plotted to kill this dignified lady. That respected woman died, and all disrespected women gained respect in the eyes of their husbands.

Actually, this is the state of our society at the moment. The activities of all the unbelievers taken together are murdering a believer. The robbers are killing a gentleman all together. Every dishonest person is killing the one who refuses to take bribes. The other females make fun of, call her fat and thick, isolate her, and make her feel less than a university lady without a boyfriend. Boyfriends in partnerships taunt single boys. In a department, non-bribers and law-abiding employees are labelled as bad and face challenges from their superiors. It is even possible to move them.

If a university teacher does not award illegal grades, the entire faculty despises him; he is dubbed with bad names, and complaints are filed against him; even his colleagues join the boycott. If a trader does not take illegal profits, the entire market turns against him, and nobody will deal with him. If a bureaucrat is neither corrupt nor not involved in unlawful political activity, a privilege motion is submitted in the assembly. The entire village's civilization is based on disrespectful women's conviction that if a believer is on the right course, he should be killed so no one will think poorly of him. They want to conduct business with him. If a bureaucrat is neither corrupt nor involved in illicit political activity, a privilege motion is submitted in the assembly. As a result, the entire village's society is built on disrespectful women's conviction that if a believer is on the right course, he should be killed so that no one will think poorly of them. Has anybody ever considered, though, how we came to be so morally degraded?

Four institutes are listed by sociologists for child education. The home is the first institution, where parents teach their children; unfortunately, in our society, parents have given up on their duty to educate their children because of overindulging in activities and pampering. The second institution is a religious school, although in our society, the imam of the mosque and the maulvi are both considered to have low prestige. Because the imam or maulvi's wage must also be paid by the locals, the mosque's maulvi or imam abandoned his training duties and began to worry about his living. The third institution is a school, so there is no training in our schools; only education remains. Even the teachers in the schools believed it was safe to withdraw their hands from the training because the parents' excessive affection had ruined the children. The fourth institution is society, and our senselessness has perverted the entire society. There was a time when the boys on the street would flee when they saw the older approaching, fearing that they would be scolded. Now that the boys are standing in the street, the elders believe it is safe to change their direction. When the children used to fight on the street, any adult in the area would chastise or even hit them, and if the children returned home and reported them, the parents would say it was your fault because they did well. Now, when an elder scolds a child, his parents exclaim, "Who are you to scold our child?"

When these four institutions forsake their work, only people like women who have lost their honor will be born into society, and even if a respectable lady emerges by chance, everyone will murder her.



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