15 Ways to stay cool without AC

15 Ways to stay cool without AC

Extreme heat and heat waves are creating above-average conditions for millions of people in many countries today. In hot weather, it is difficult to live without an air conditioner, yet most places cannot use it due to load shedding, lack of AC, or finances.  Staying outside for too long in the heat can kill us as heat damages the brain and other systems. Our body tries to cool down by sweating, but if it can't, we're more likely to get heatstroke or other problems.

The terminal limit occurs when temperature and humidity increase body temperature. Before this threshold is crossed, the body can maintain its temperature for a long time, but afterwards, it cannot and is prone to various problems.

A study has shown that excessive humidity (above 50%) and temperature prevent the body from cooling at 31 degrees Celsius instead of 35. You can control your body temperature, however, with a few simple steps. Staying cool without air conditioning is possible with the right strategy :

1.    Fans can be a valuable asset in keeping your home cool. Place box fans in windows to let hot air out and cool air in. Make sure the ceiling fans rotate counterclockwise to create a refreshing breeze. This airflow helps to lower the temperature without relying on air conditioning.

2.  Close your shades or blinds to block the sun rays enter your room. It will keep your living environment cool. You may also use blackout curtains to block the hot sun rays.

3.  Staying fresh requires drinking lots of water. Instead of caffeine and alcohol, drink water to stay hydrated and maintain body temperature.

4.  Wear light clothes. Clothes that are open and airy, like cotton and linen, are best. Keeping you cool, light-colored clothing reflects heat. Steer clear of heat-trapping dark, bulky clothing.

5.  Your body temperature will drop more quickly when you cool down with a cold shower. Should a shower be impractical, cleanse your face and body with a cool, damp washcloth.

6.  To help cool your blood and lower body temperature, place cold packs or damp washcloths on pulse areas including the wrists, neck, and temples.

7.  Your body's metabolic heat output might be increased by heavy meals. Avert overheating by having little, light meals like fruit and salads. At day, turn off the broiler and oven to prevent overheating.

8.  To build your own forced air system, line up a fan with an ice bowl or water bottle. As the snow melts, the fan will move cold air around, making cool air. This temporary air conditioner can help cool your living space.

9.  Try to spend your nights in the basement or ground floor. For added cooling, sleep with light bedding and think about sleeping with moist sheets.

10. To allow in fresh air, open windows in the early morning and late evening. To keep the interior comfortable when the temperature rises, close them.

11. Use things that lower body temperature while you sleep. Think about using cooling pillows, mattress pads, and gel-filled items. These products are made to cool down sleeping surfaces and disperse heat.

12.  Avoid outside activities between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when it's warmest. If you must go outside, make stops under shade and put on a hat and sunscreen.

13.  Use exterior umbrellas, awnings or shade textiles to create shaded areas of your home. Putting up trees or pergolas can help naturally cool and shade your home.

14.  Use plants as a cooling system. Indoor plants can help to chill your home because they emit moisture into the air. Add some ferns, peace lilies, or snake plants to help keep things cool indoors.

15.  Apply Reflective Window Films: Installing reflective films on your windows can reduce heat gain by reflecting sunlight. These films help keep indoor spaces cooler and more comfortable.

By following these strategies, you can effectively manage the heat and create a more pleasant living environment even during the hottest days. Prioritize hydration, ventilation, and smart use of resources to beat the heat and stay cool.


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