10 urgent demands for climate justice in Pakistan.


10 urgent demands for climate justice in Pakistan.

"When nations such as Pakistan undergo the kind of profound shock they've just gone through, when small island nations in the Caribbean every year worry about in 12 hours losing a third or more of their GDP ... you have created an economically impossible scenario."

—Achim Steiner, Administrator of the UN Development Programme

Climate change is a time bomb that threatens Pakistan's economy, environment, and society. The urgency of climate justice demands is immense. They are a cry for fair and quick solutions to the problems caused by climate change.

Demand 1: Clean Water Access Equity

The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics states that 22 million Pakistanis, including those in drought-prone Tharparkar and other rural areas, lack clean drinking water due to scarcity and pollution. This is a threat, not a statistic, and requires quick action.

Demand 2: Addressing Food Security Concerns

Pakistan comes high on the Global Hunger Index because of its extreme heat and unpredictable rain. Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa support climate-resilient agricultural and diverse livelihoods to protect smallholder farmers.

Demand 3: Preventing Vulnerable Community Displacement.

Individuals and policymakers must understand rising sea levels. The average ocean level is slowly rising. Millions of people in coastal towns like Gwadar and Karachi are in grave danger because of this occurrence. It's about people's lives and livelihoods, not just facilities. Survivors need social safety and strong infrastructure.

Demand 4: Air pollution and public health policies

Cities like Lahore and Karachi have more polluted air than what the WHO recommends. In these cities, promoting renewable energy sources prevents health problems and early death.

Demand 5: Sustainable Development via Renewable Energy Infrastructure

Pakistan's oil dependence is a concern and an opportunity. We can lower our carbon footprint, create jobs, and create a more sustainable and affluent future by switching to solar and wind power.

 Demand 6: Ecological farming

Farmers in Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir might conform to the changing climate with the utilization of drip irrigation and agroforestry.

Demand 7: Disaster Response Plan Improvement

After the 2019 Sindh and Balochistan floods, disaster readiness is fundamental. To diminish regular disaster harm, Pakistan ought to focus on local area-based risk reduction, robust infrastructure, and early warning systems.

Demand 8: Giving marginalized people a voice

Climate change influences women and oppressed communities excessively that are not included in decision-making. Gender Oriented responsive policies and local climate adaptation committees can urge these communities to take part in climate governance and address their issues.

Demand 9: Holding Corporations Accountable for Their Climate Impact

Textile and cement factories in Pakistan pollute through greenhouse gasses. Pakistan needs legislation, carbon pricing, and sustainable practices to hold companies accountable for their climate impact and promote a low-carbon economy.

Demand 10: Encouraging International Collaboration for Pakistan's Climate Justice

Pakistan's fight against climate change is not a solitary battle; it's a global challenge that requires international climate technology transfer, finance, and capacity building. This assistance fosters a global community that can adapt and thrive, not merely protects our citizens.


Our common responsibility is to create a sustainable, resilient, and equitable future for Pakistan. We can all fight climate change, protect our people's health, and improve the environment by supporting these ten climate justice demands.


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