
Adam Smith in the Digital Age

 Adam Smith in the Digital Age The father of modern economics, Adam Smith, established fundamental concepts that continue to shape economic philosophy. In "The Wealth of Nations," he introduced the invisible hand, division of labor, and free markets. For navigating the 21st-century digital economy, Smith's theories are helpful. Let's examine the application of these three factors in the digital era.   The Division of Labor  In order to boost productivity, Adam Smith advocated for the division of work. The IT industry's specialization serves as an example of this idea in the digital age. Companies like Apple and Google have highly specialized teams for software development and marketing. Specialization boosts innovation and efficiency, giving these organizations a competitive edge. Today's Amazon fulfillment centers demonstrate Smith's division of labor. Professionals and automated systems handle order fulfillment from picking to packaging to delivery. Sp

Why does the summer heat get hotter every year?

Why does the summer heat get hotter every year? We are currently in the midst of summer. Most Pakistani cities have 40–50°C temperatures. Not only humans but also animals seem scared about this intense heat. Everyone should take precautions throughout the summer season. Heart patients are said to need extra care this time of year. According to experts, climate fluctuations are an expected outcome of the Earth's movement. Heat intensity increases with the movement of the Earth toward the Sun or the area where its rays fall directly. Likewise, the region where the rays fall indirectly has less heat. So, most people worldwide have black, white, or normal skin. People in Pakistan have standard skin hues because the country has four seasons.  If we're talking about heat, it makes sense that Pakistan is a little cooler than other regions on Earth. Unfortunately, the summer heat has been rising quickly in our region for the past few years. Although there are many reasons for this rise

15 Ways to stay cool without AC

15 Ways to stay cool without AC Extreme heat and heat waves are creating above-average conditions for millions of people in many countries today. In hot weather, it is difficult to live without an air conditioner, yet most places cannot use it due to load shedding, lack of AC, or finances.  Staying outside for too long in the heat can kill us as heat damages the brain and other systems. Our body tries to cool down by sweating, but if it can't, we're more likely to get heatstroke or other problems. The terminal limit occurs when temperature and humidity increase body temperature. Before this threshold is crossed, the body can maintain its temperature for a long time, but afterwards, it cannot and is prone to various problems. A study has shown that excessive humidity (above 50%) and temperature prevent the body from cooling at 31 degrees Celsius instead of 35. You can control your body temperature, however, with a few simple steps. Staying cool without air conditioning

Real reasons for inflation

  Real reasons for "Inflation" Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening  as an armed robber and as deadly  as a hit man. Ronald Reagan Worldwide inflation is causing concern to everyone. Though everyone claims that inflation should be modest, in the end, everyone is concerned with their gain. It's not that we should consider lowering inflation for other people. Though we all now contribute to this inflation, we all want it to stop for ourselves. Inquire of the one who offers advice. How can I offer cheaply during inflationary times? Look at the person driving inflation under some false presences. This individual has some reason, though, when he raises the price. The same person finds injustice in justifying inflation committed by another person. These are global conditions, not merely those of Pakistanis. Inflation rises by 70% for every ten per cent rise in salary.  People cannot lower their needs; they are growing like inflation. Because of this civilization

Why is it so hard to get to know yourself?

Why is it so hard to get to know yourself? Have you ever sought for your own identity? Since most people don't know their own selves. The most of us would say is yes, but that response might be no more than their name, age, birthplace, or occupation in life. But a very fascinating subject is who we actually are. While knowing others is supposed to be intelligence, knowing oneself is really wisdom and knowledge. Still, recognizing yourself is the hardest chore in this planet. We are alone ourselves since, even if we know everyone, we are strangers to someone. May never meet ourselves; we are still strangers to the spirit inside each of us all our life.   Understanding your own identity comes before knowing what others know and view of you. Some people regard their conscious awareness as their biggest threat since their ego is so strong. Their ego never lets them reach themselves. Since he is working alone, he proves to be his own best villain in his own narrative—one with

Will "AI PIN" replace cellphones?

Will "AI PIN" replace cellphones? The use of technology is expanding by the day. Nearly every aspect of life employs technology. Today, we use technology to make things easier. From home to work, we are improving our lives by utilizing smart gadgets and software. It is true that with the introduction of mobile phones, the utility of telephones has gradually declined. Similarly, another breakthrough technology has emerged that claims to eventually replace smartphones.  Sam Altman founded the artificial intelligence firm Humane, which introduced Ai Pin in November 2023. Pre-booking and first-come, first-served delivery are both available. The delivery has been ongoing since March 2024. Altman founded OpenAI, which created ChatGPT. We'll talk about the original wearable computer, the Humane Ai Pin.  Humane is a San Francisco-based firm striving to make smartphones a thing of the past. This firm was established by two individuals who had previously worked for Apple. Ai Pi

The Sinful Virtue

The Sinful Virtue   In the past, there was a village of laborers; all of the men would leave the village in the morning for work, while the women remained. The robbers came into that village one day when there was no man there. The bandits began plundering, but found nothing worthwhile to take with them.  When the robbers couldn't locate anything to plunder, the leader urged them to rob the women's honor. People said that thieves broke into every house and starting robbing the women inside. When a robber entered a house, the brave woman inside chopped off the thief's head with a spear. All the women emerged from their houses crying and started sharing their own stories when the robbers returned after robbing them of their honors. The brave woman also left the house holding the thief's head. The sight stunned every woman, who then asked How was it happened?. According to this brave woman, "when the thief broke into my house, I decided that he would not suc