
Why is tax payment so important?

 Why is tax payment so important? The money that is gathered will be placed in the national treasury if the revenue collecting personnel is to distribute them. This explains why industrialized nations have highly stringent tax rules. Everybody pays taxes, from the President to the average person, and tax evasion is a serious offense. It is the reverse case in Pakistan. Tax avoidance is now a national problem. Reluctant to pay taxes are industrialists, landowners, vaders, and mill owners seated in the houses of power, aside from common merchants. 6.15 million taxpayers have filed tax returns as of December 31, according to FBR Member Policy IR Dr. Hamid Atiq Sarwar, who briefed the media at the FBR headquarters. Beyond 100,000 exist. The tax return deadline has been extended by one month since another 6 lakh persons still need to file reports. That is, just 2.75 million individuals are now on the active tax payer list in a nation with 22 crores of people. Several of them work for the g

Hagia Sophia Masjid

 Hagia Sophia Masjid Building of Hagia Sophia was ordered by Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the sixth century AD. For more than nine hundred years, this church was the center of Orthodox Christianity. Hagia Sophia became a mosque after the Ottoman Caliphate conquered Constantinople in 1453. Many people in the city believed that this church could not be taken by force. The attackers will be unable to reach the Aya Sofia building if they take over the city. Angels from heaven will come down and congratulate those who enter the grave. When Sultan Muhammad Fatih conquered this city in 1453, the people gathered around this cathedral to watch them get destroyed. However, nothing happened, and the Ottoman troops took over the whole area in the end.   After taking over the area by force, international law gave Sultan Fatih Muhammad full legal power to either protect or destroy places of prayer. However, he showed his respect for religious differences by buying the church with money.

Surreal But Real

 Surreal But Real When something odd protruded from the patient's stomach in Vietnam, doctors were equally taken aback. A foreign news source said physicians were similarly taken aback by a bizarre incident in Vietnam when a patient arrived at the hospital complaining of stomach ache. The patient arrived at the hospital in Quang Ninh province, wailing in excruciating pain. An ultrasound and X-ray revealed that the guy had an organism in his body. The patient suffers in excruciating discomfort because of a 30 cm long L fish that the physicians discovered during more testing later on. The patient is well now that the physicians removed the live fish from his stomach after a successful procedure. According to the article, the man could not explain how the fish got into his body, but the physicians were astounded to see the live fish in his stomach. ___________________________________________________________________________________ The groom discovered his wife was a male two weeks aft

15 Strategies to Survive a Heatwave

  15 Strategies to Survive a Heatwave Climate warming is making heat waves more frequent and severe. Raising temperatures carry grave risks to public health, particularly for vulnerable groups. Following the proper protocols to stay safe in these intense situations is fundamental. Here are 15 tips for surviving a heatwave, complete with accurate models, sources, and details.  Drink Plenty of Water: During a heatwave, drinking enough water is fundamental. Parchedness might result in two dangerous conditions: heat depletion and intensity stroke.Addiction to drinks and alcohol can dry you out, so stay away from them. During the 2019 European heatwave, the number of people with parchedness-related problems increased at different medical facilities.   Wear Lightweight and Light Tone Clothing: When you dress light and loosely fitting, your body relaxes more quickly. One way dazzling hues reflect daylight is by chilling you off. In India, where temperatures can reach 45°C, flowing, light-colo

For people who are buying their first home

For people who are buying their first home A first-time buyer might be both anxious and thrilled. Though many find it scary, it's a significant milestone. Fear not! With the correct advice, you can overcome difficult circumstances and make wise decisions. Start with this critical advice. Financially examine yourself before house hunting. Check your credit score for mortgage eligibility if you cannot afford a cash offer. Higher credit scores improve lending terms and prices. Set a budget for buying a home. Keep mortgage, taxes, and insurance below 30% of monthly income.  Being mortgage pre-approved shows sellers your sincerity and helps you choose your budget. Find lenders with the best terms and costs. A pre-approval letter can help you get ahead in a very competitive market.  Next, review the total house ownership costs. This covers the cost of the purchase, maintenance, closing charges, and moving. Create a thorough budget to prevent bad financial surprises.  Location is quite es

Cyber Crimes in Pakistan

  Cyber Crimes in Pakistan “The proposed  Prevention of Electronic Crime Act 2015 , in my opinion, is even worse than the one we advocated against during the Musharraf era.  The fact that the Ministry of IT&T felt the need to operate in complete secrecy over the past year clearly indicates the mindset with which this draft has been put together. P@SHA, ISPAK, legal cybercrime experts and civil society were not called in for a consultation.” – Jehan Ara, President Pakistan Software Houses Association for IT and ITES (P@SHA) Cybercrime in Pakistan has expanded as global digital vulnerabilities have grown. The rise of the internet and digital services has offered thieves additional opportunities to exploit weaknesses. When it comes to technology, Pakistan is still a growing country. Ransomware, data leaks, cyber espionage, and financial theft all impact Pakistan. Using fake payments from BankIslami, hackers pilfers $6 million in 2018. In the same year, 14 million Careem members

10 urgent demands for climate justice in Pakistan.

  10 urgent demands for climate justice in Pakistan . "When nations such as Pakistan undergo the kind of profound shock they've just gone through, when small island nations in the Caribbean every year worry about in 12 hours losing a third or more of their GDP ... you have created an economically impossible scenario." —Achim Steiner, Administrator of the UN Development Programme Climate change is a time bomb that threatens Pakistan's economy, environment, and society. The urgency of climate justice demands is immense. They are a cry for fair and quick solutions to the problems caused by climate change. Demand 1: Clean Water Access Equity The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics states that 22 million Pakistanis, including those in drought-prone Tharparkar and other rural areas, lack clean drinking water due to scarcity and pollution. This is a threat, not a statistic, and requires quick action. Demand 2: Addressing Food Security Concerns Pakistan comes high on