
Partnership Types and Challenges

Partnership Types and Challenges ‍       The best partnerships aren’t dependent on  a mere  common goal but on   shared   path   of    equality ,  desire, and no small amount  of  passion .      – Sarah MacLean Introduction  A Partnership is a business owned and organized by two or more persons. Some common definitions of organization are as follows: Henry Campbell Dark's Regulation Word Dictionary states an organization is "a relationship of at least two people to continue, as co-proprietors, a business for benefit." Accounting definition: A partnership is a large business where partners share profits and losses and are jointly liable for their obligations. In "Monetary Bookkeeping," this idea is explained by Walter B. Meigs, Robert F. Meigs, and Imprint E. Bettner. Business partnerships occur when two or more people or organizations collaborate to achieve common goals. Milton Friedman and Rose D. Friedman ex

Maslow's Hierarchy and the Digital Era

  Maslow's Hierarchy and the Digital Era    “Self-actualized more in the real world of nature  than   in   the   man-made   mass   of   concepts,   abstractions,  expectations, beliefs and stereotypes that most people confuse  with the world.”                                                ― Abraham Maslow   Introduction  Abraham Maslow ranked human needs from physical to mental in his "Hierarchy of Needs" theory first proposed in 1940. The pyramid shows the hierarchy's fundamental needs and more complex desires. The pyramid's physiological needs are food, drink, shelter, and sleep. Before focusing on other demands, one must meet these essential survival needs. After satisfying physiological requirements, people might switch to higher demands. Safety needs are in second place. These include physical safety, security, stability, and harm prevention. Some examples of safety needs are having a steady job, living in a safe area, a

Understanding The Effects Of Social Media On Adolescent Minds

  Understanding The Effects Of Social Media On Adolescent Minds “In today's youth, morals and manners are replaced by money and mischiefs.”   ― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words You may also like:  How Social Media Sparks New  Behaviors and Ideas Introduction:  Welcome to an eye-opening look at how social media affects teenage minds! Social media dominates younger people's daily lives in the digital age. Have you wondered about the effects? According to this article, social media has changed the minds of younger people. We will discuss shallowness, intellectual fitness, and well-being, both positive and negative. Let's explore social media's irritating circumstances and opportunities for kids. Get ready to learn a lot and be inspired as we lead you through this mind-boggling journey. The effects of social media on teens' developing minds are complex. It offers connection and self-expression but also challenges intellectual and personal development. Teachers, parents,