Real reasons for inflation

 Real reasons for "Inflation"

Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening 
as an armed robber and as deadly 
as a hit man. Ronald Reagan

Worldwide inflation is causing concern to everyone. Though everyone claims that inflation should be modest, in the end, everyone is concerned with their gain. It's not that we should consider lowering inflation for other people. Though we all now contribute to this inflation, we all want it to stop for ourselves. Inquire of the one who offers advice. How can I offer cheaply during inflationary times? Look at the person driving inflation under some false presences. This individual has some reason, though, when he raises the price. The same person finds injustice in justifying inflation committed by another person.

These are global conditions, not merely those of Pakistanis. Inflation rises by 70% for every ten per cent rise in salary. People cannot lower their needs; they are growing like inflation. Because of this civilization, that is. The government does not alter itself, nor do we lead society to change. While the people offer a different explanation, the government provides its own. Both promote catchphrases to further their agendas and disparage one another.

When travelling to any country, it appears that everyone is to blame for inflation, but how long will this continue? Governments and people will have to realize that the IMF's terms and the closed chambers of Geneva at the World Economic Forum will not be the source of the solution to the inflationary issues. Different institutions developed worldwide to improve human conditions, but instead, they made matters worse.

Consider the IMF as an example; it favours raising the cost of power. Will boosting the cost of electricity lower inflation in the average person's life? Will trade develop in Pakistan? Will producers be able to offer their goods at a lower cost? Like a usurer who commits his property while loaning to someone and the person's compulsion, the IMF may not have the answers to all these questions, or they may not want to provide them and be determined to satisfy their requirements. But neither considers nor extends pity.

However, gas costs ought to be raised by the IMF. Will the rise in gas costs force the impoverished to continue burning their stoves despite their low incomes? The IMF needs to be made aware of the imposed poverty that the Pakistani people endure. A Pakistani's everyday salary is so high that he can hardly afford one lunch. IMF does not consider that people do not want luxury at this time; they only want three meals a day, but even that is not feasible given the situation.

Raising taxes—especially GST—is something the IMF wants. Every impoverished individual who spends Rs 100 on an item must also pay Rs 17 in tax. Say someone spends 10,000 rupees on meals and drinks for his family. The government gets 1700 rupees. The inflation rises significantly more if the tax rises by merely one per cent. Rich and poor folks pay taxes on everything they purchase.

Does this not seem apparent to the IMF? The IMF wants free trading of the dollar. Is the IMF unaware that hoarders continue to purchase dollars to make them scarce and drive up their value? It is correct, but regrettably, that every unlawful action is carried out legally, which makes all of them speculators in the stock market, the currency dollar market, or the grain market today. Profiteers have been the collaborators of all government agencies in promoting inflation for the past 70 years, while in Pakistan and other nations, wealthy families have never gone out of style and control major businesses and government officials. Company exists.

Today, banks and international corporations are mostly to blame for inflation. Still, they need to be discussed. This is because, by employing legal strategies, they mute people. The Pakistani court has ruled wisely to outlaw usury banking and maintain Islamic banking exclusively within Pakistan. Nevertheless, The question is whether we will switch to Islamic banking in its genuine meaning or employ the old banking methods once more, like wine merchants who rebrand their old wine.

Big people who defy inflation and celebrate one other with lavish awards and hotels have also turned this into a business these days. After the winner of each award advertises for ten thousand to ten lakhs of rupees, the organizer of the award invites him to a five-star hotel to receive the prize. I question whether those who purchase accolades for themselves through advertising deceive the public or themselves. It seems that the government has employed some experts who profess to be able to transform the economy for the past 70 years. Every time they hear that Pakistan is compelled to take out loans, they assume that these circumstances will never end and that Pakistan's poverty will never go down.

According to his resources, an economist is a person who develops strategies that result in the success of both the individual and the nation. Consider your personal and government contributions to the eradication of inflation. And quit assigning each other blame. Not explain inflation. Just totally get rid of inflation.



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