Hagia Sophia Masjid

 Hagia Sophia Masjid

Building of Hagia Sophia was ordered by Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the sixth century AD. For more than nine hundred years, this church was the center of Orthodox Christianity. Hagia Sophia became a mosque after the Ottoman Caliphate conquered Constantinople in 1453. Many people in the city believed that this church could not be taken by force. The attackers will be unable to reach the Aya Sofia building if they take over the city. Angels from heaven will come down and congratulate those who enter the grave. When Sultan Muhammad Fatih conquered this city in 1453, the people gathered around this cathedral to watch them get destroyed. However, nothing happened, and the Ottoman troops took over the whole area in the end.


After taking over the area by force, international law gave Sultan Fatih Muhammad full legal power to either protect or destroy places of prayer. However, he showed his respect for religious differences by buying the church with money. Next, it was made to look like a mosque. It is said that the daco minutes are still around today. They are what made the beautiful Aya Sophia from the Byzantine period into a mosque again. 


By making Hagia Sophia a museum, Kemal Ata Turk laid the groundwork for modern Turkey. Kemal Ata Turk introduced kismet to the Turkish people. According to kemalism, religion and the government were two separate things. Turkish, which had been written in Arabic for generations, was romanized to remove any religious influence on the state. He tried to secularize and eradicate Islam from Turkey. Muslims in turkey were asked to offer prayer in their local language instead of Arabic, like they did everywhere else in the world. The word Allah was replaced by the Turkish word "Tanri." The debate was why Turks worship in a language they didn't speak. The Kemal government asked people to say 'Tanri Al-Dur' not Allahu Akbar.  Worship was seen to be a slow and useless activity. Women's veils were made illegal by force, and women who wore the hijab were not allowed to enter government offices. No nation would have set such religious restrictions on its inhabitants. Despite secularism simply meaning everyone's freedom to live without restrictions. Along with the anti-Islamic measures, the nationalism messaging was so strong and effective that it continued to Westernize the younger generation of Turks in some ways.


After the Ottoman Caliphate fell, secularist Kamal Ata Turk turned the Aya Sofia Mosque into a museum on November 24, 1934, at the Western masters' request. The Muslim community in Turkey and around the world has wanted Sophia back for years. In order to reduce outside pressure, Tayyip Erdoğan secured authorization from the Council of State to restore Hagia Sophia's status as a mosque. 


Even if the Sophia Mosque's restoration was right for international and national rights, the great powers opposed it from all angles. This historic decision has disappointed the Russian Upper House, UNESCO, and the US State Department. The EU is concerned by the court judgment, but it has not criticized the conversion of all historic mosques in Cordoba and Granada into churches or the deception and killing of millions of Muslims that brought down Granada. Even though the West doesn't pay much attention to them, many churches from the Ottoman era in Greece have been turned into art galleries. Around the world, no one talked about the Arab mosque in Israel that was turned into a bar for a year.


It's terrible that Athens, Greece, has no mosques, is using these buildings for non-prayer activities. Each mosque there used to be a place where people died or showed things. The question is why the West, which controls Sofia, remained silent. Western investors pulled $8 billion from Turkey's stock market after the Turkish court converted Hagia Sophia to a mosque. Their goal was to show Erdogan how this mujahideen man turned Hagia Sophia into a mosque.

Islamist leader Tayyip Erdogan knew about these methods but did not care for 20 years. Erdogan represents oppressed Muslims, similar to Muhammad II, who conquered Constantinople. Erdogan advocated Islam as a lifestyle, not a political slogan. He gains power from fairness and development, not failures. His services to the Islamic world are commendable.



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